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My First Blog Post: Why Now And Why Should You Care

Now that we’re well into 2024, the digital landscape continues to evolve, sparking debates about the relevance and value of starting a blog is still worth it.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer seeking a new platform, a professional aiming to enhance your visibility, or a business looking to expand your content marketing footprint, understanding the role and benefits of blogging is more crucial than ever. 

In this post, we will explore the strategic advantages of blogging, assess the challenges posed by today’s saturated media environment, and help you decide if blogging is a wise venture for you in 2024.

About Me

My name is Curtis Townsend, I’m a brand designer and content strategist. I help founders build their brand, grow their audience, and dominate their industry. 

If this is your first time here, my start here page is the best place to get started. After that, be sure to checkout my story  to learn more about me, my design philosophy, and how it allows me to help my clients craft brands that resonates and engages their dream clients.

Why I Decided To Start A Blog

For me, starting a blog was a necessary evil. As a designer, writing isn’t my most favorite thing to do in the world. You might be thinking, “Curtis, why would you do something you hate?” To that I would say, sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do to get to where we’re going.

The truth is, blogging is still very much relevant.

Whether it’s boosting SEO, establishing ourselves as thought leaders, connecting with like-minded people, discovering more about who we are, generating some income, or lending a hand to others, the benefits are clear.

It’s all about the long game, finding ways to engage with our audience, and carving out our niche in the vast digital landscape. 

Think of each blog post as a step closer to achieving your goals, turning the necessary into something truly rewarding. Let’s unpack the undeniable value of blogging and how it can not only elevate our professional journey but also offer unexpected personal growth and connections.

What I’m Going To Be Writing About


FAQ – The chances of getting rich while you’re young enough to enjoy it are slim working for The Man

For me, the potential upside is worth the risk because at the end of the day, you can always get a job

How to use entrepreneurship to design a life you don’t need escaping from

Building In Public


Web Design & Development

How To Grow An Audience

Exit Strategies



And last but not least, happiness


So there you have it. That is why I decided to start a blog at 43. If any of this sounds interesting to you go ahead and drop me a comment below and let me where you are in your blogging journey. If you’re stuck and have a specific question around branding, web design, content marketing, or how to grow your audience, shoot me an email.